What are you looking for?
Solutions for the glass industry
Bottle positioner

The positioner is used for the correct positioning of non-round glass packages before the next stages of production, e.g. marking, blow control and palletizing. Ensures continuous operation in automatic mode


We set the operating parameters individually, according to the performance of the production line. For this purpose, the orderer should specify:

  • Desired line capacity;
  • Dimensions, shape and weight of the packages to be transported;
  • Preferred place of application of the tool - process line layout.


Our equipment is used on cold end lines in the following processes:

  • Divide a row of products into several rows;
  • Preparation for subsequent production processes;

Customized to meet the customer needs

Tailored production and storage space solution

Increase in productivity

The equipment operates in automatic mode.

Improving Occupational Safety

Equipment made in accordance with the CE and customer requirements

Express assembly

Equipment made in accordance with the plug&play philosophy. We always install everything without long downtimes.


Email. kontakt@zutkunzek.pl

Phone. +16 621 26 09

Find us

ul. Książąt Czartoryskich 28
37-522 Szówsko